Evergreen Sitcom Characters

There are certain characters that leave a strong impact in our lives. Even after the end of a the show, it is difficult to get them out of our system. They become an inseparable part of our lives. Here’s a list of evergreen sitcom characters of all times.

Barney Stinson
“Think of me as Yoda. Only instead of being little and green, I wear suits and I am awesome. I am your bro, I am Broda.”

Barney Stinson of ‘How I met your Mother’ is a character that’ll make your life ‘LEGEN-DARY!!’ He meets Ted Mosby and fancies himself as his ‘best friend’, despite his repeated protests. He was dumped by his girlfriend in his twenties after which he reinvented himself as a serial womanizer who rejects any form of commitment. However, he values his friends and family a lot. He was the one who got Lily back to Marshall, helped Robin stay in USA when her visa almost got cancelled, made Ted’s wish to design a building come true and ensured Marshall had a high-end paying job at GNB. He mastered the art of seduction and even drafted the ‘Playbook.’ Friendship and brotherhood were the two pillars of his life and he even compiled the ‘Bro Code’ and took a ‘BROATH’ along with his friends. In the end, a person who feared commitment took the responsibility of raising a daughter. He was such a sweet heart! Barney Stinson takes you on a journey of growth and transformation and strikes all emotional chords.

Bart Simpson
“I am Bart Simpson, who the hell are you”

Bart Simpson is a notorious character voiced by Nancy Catwright in the animated series, ‘The Simpsons.’ It is impossible to imagine ‘The Simpsons’ without this crazy prankster. He is rebellious, mischievous, street smart and potentially dangerous young boy who is filled with unique, off beat ideas that land him in unfortunate circumstances. Just like any other 4th grade student, he is fond of video games, TV and comic strips, which makes his character so relatable. He is an underachiever and is proud of it. He does poorly in school and is well aware of it. His grades keep on fluctuating from ‘F’ to ‘D-’ and then back again. Nevertheless, that doesn’t stop him from being happy, naughty and lively, just like any other kid. He is undoubtedly a pain in the ass but at the same time he is sweet and sensitive. Bart Simpson would take you on a crazy journey of fun filled pranks.

Mr. Bean
 Mr. Bean is a manchild who is mostly seen in a brown coat, white shirt, red tie, brown trousers and black shoes. He doesn’t speak much, however if at all he does, it is generally a few mumbled words in a comically low pitched voice. It is hard to believe that this fanatic belongs to our planet but it is sheer delight to be amused at his antics. Whether it is shooting a night bulb with a bullet only because he forgot to switch it off or cleaning his ear with an electrical tooth brush, Mr. Bean doesn’t fail to entertain you. If you are wondering what’s his first name then you’ll be stunned to know that it’s ‘Mr.’ Yes, that’s mentioned on his passport!!!  The humor comes from his solutions to everyday problems and his total disregard for others. He is a selfish buffoon who is extremely possessive and protective of his stuff.

Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon Cooper of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ is an eccentric, socially awkward and geeky physicist. He is a ‘know it all’ with knowledge about every country, discovery, history, musical instruments and what not. He is a living encyclopedia. Science, string theory, comics, video games, Star Trek, and trains are the things he loves and yeah obviously Amy too. Although he is a genius, he fails to understand irony and sarcasm. He is controlling and very stubborn. Nevertheless, he knows how to get his work done smartly! He is a big fan of Star Trek. No wonder, he speaks fluent Klingon. He lacks humility and empathy, however, he steps up for his friends whenever needed. Be it helping Penny financially or providing emotional support to Howard upon the sad demise of his mother, Sheldon was there. He is immune to evil traits of mankind and lives in a world of science fiction. He has a vintage collection of T-shirts with super hero logos, like Flash and Green Lantern. Sheldon Cooper is a person who is hard to live with and hard to live without.

Chandler Bing
"I’m not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"

Chandler Bing of ‘Friends’ is full of wit, sass and perfect one-liners. From his bromance with Joey to his unwavering love for Monica, Chan Chan man is more than just a funny man. He provided financial support to Joey and not just that even dreams of a future house where there is room for his best friend Joey.  When Ross was homeless, he even offered him to stay at his house. Chandler Bing ensured that his friends live their life tension free. He is not too good with girls but ends up being the first member of the group to be successfully married. He teaches us that humor is the best way to deal with tough situations in life. Watch any episode of Friends, his sarcasm will make you laugh your guts out.  No wonder, why his fans bestowed him with the title of ‘Lord of Sarcasm.’ There are several occasions where you will find him so relatable. Be it his laziness to work out or non-photogenic face, Chandler makes us believe that he is one of us.


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